Aristogenis / A11
Jewelry designer
Aristogenis Kyrtsis is born in Veria (1989). He currently lives and works in Athens, Greece. Aristogenis studies range from economics to contemporary art and curating in Brera academy of fine arts, in Milan. Contemporary art led to artistic jewellery. Then down, down, down into the fascinating world of contemporary jewellery.
The story is ongoing…
- group exhibition 1 year ARTWORLD, Artworld the Gallery
Artist’s Statement
From unknown dreamscapes to our reality.
A11 is a project born to help unidentified objects find a place in time and space and/or on bodies.
Bestowing or appropriating an identity on the bodies they occupy.
A11 is all about identity and change.
So perception is key.
What do you see in jewellery?
What can jewellery do?